The Dordogne-Périgord is renowned for its rich prehistoric heritage, its 1,001 châteaux, its contrasting landscapes and its gastronomy. In short, it's a generous territory for anyone interested in nature, history and/or fabulous experiences.

La Maison de Marquay is 12 km from the medieval town of Sarlat, 13 km from Les Eyzies, the world capital of prehistory, and 18 km from Montignac-Lascaux, home to the famous Lascaux cave.

This location means you're within easy reach of the region's major tourist attractions.

As close as you can get to La Maison de Marquay, I can recommend the following:

The church of Saint Pierre-es-Liens in Marquay, listed as a Monument Historique since 1910, and located in the heart of the village.

Château de Commarque, a medieval fortress in the heart of the Beune valley.

L'Abri du Cap Blanc; listed as a Historic Monument, one of the greatest masterpieces of prehistoric Magdalenian monumental sculpture.

The Château de Puymartin, not only the most famous haunted castle in France with the mysterious legend of the Dame Blanche, but also a piece of French history.

Les Cabanes du Breuil, a listed historic monument, is the only one of its kind in France. Discover these ancient dwellings built of dry stone and slate.

And there are plenty of other places to stay to discover the treasures of prehistory, medieval fortresses and towns, the most beautiful villages, rivers, paths and forests.

And let's not forget the local producers in Marquay and the surrounding region, who will give you the opportunity to take home a gourmet souvenir of Périgord.